The Building and Concrete Restoration Association of Ontario’s members are contractors, material suppliers, consultants and engineering firms with expertise in the field of building and concrete repair. The Association was founded in 1985.

The purpose of the Association is to provide a forum for keeping members up-to-date on technical developments. B&CRAO runs at least four seminars a year for this purpose. These seminars provide opportunities for contractors, suppliers and engineers to deal with problems outside the pressure of a specific job site — so there is no defensiveness and people can get straight answers.

Our Mandate

  • B&CRAO encourages business networking. Building owners call B&CRAO for our membership list to select suppliers. New business opportunities arise at B&CRAO meetings.
  • B&CRAO participates in joint industry action on key bottom-line issues like pre-qualification for tendering and lobbying various levels of government on issues of concern to the industry.
  • Newsletters keep members and the industry informed of the Association’s action, seminars and new products.

Our Team

Our Board

Andrew Porciello, Maxim Group General Contracting

Clay Huntley, Heritage Restoration

Walid Habis, Momentus Engineering Management Inc.

Michael Pond, Read Jones Christoffersen

Bill Nunes, Morrison Hershfield Ltd.

Chris McConnell, EXP

Greg Dolenc, Sika Canada Inc.

Peter Giannopoulos, Jamac Sales and Distribution

Jovan Vrakela, Tremco Canada

Adam Boddy, Euclid Canada

Our Executive

President – Eliseo Conciatori

Vice-President – Greg Dolenc

Treasurer – Clay Huntley


Executive Director – Andrew Boddington

Join Us

B&CRAO offers members a unique opportunity to meet and mingle with the leaders of the restoration industry in a casual setting. It also provides members a forum for keeping up-to-date on the latest technical developments in the industry. Please click on the link below to learn more about the benefits of joining B&CRAO’s network of industry professionals.